2 min readMar 21, 2021

For as long as I could remember, I had always felt a wave around me, humming a gentle reminder that whispered in my ears “know you’re not alone”. my heart has always ached for someone I had never met but for me to meet the person I had to be myself, I had to recognize my power and I had to love myself.

When I saw him, I just knew he was the one. The world faded and it was just the two of us, our eyes locked, and our breaths stopped. Fair warning: Don’t let anyone tell you your fantasies are just fantasies, you can’t make up a love you’ve had for several lifetimes, This stranger and I have met before in a different world I recall, this world was just a bit different from the last. I had also wondered what would have happened if he had met me before, in my previous seasons where the writing team was severely underfunded, going through a lot and doing lines of coke. They had run out of ideas and were on the verge of killing my character several times, they didn’t think I would get renewed for a new season and the only fans that I had were my best friend and sister who were still interested because of the nostalgia. I was personally restricted by what the network would allow me to do and I couldn’t really be myself so I had to portray this image they wanted or the show would be canceled, I wouldn’t lie my only hope was a decent reboot, well here I am.

We tried speaking to each other at once but no words came out of our lips, we just stared at each other, our eyes reading the history of our tale on each mark our face held, he had a few frown lines, His smile was still the same bright and genuine, but he had a way of ending it too soon. I tried to say something, he just held my hands, ran his fingers all the way to my arms then settled on my face and brought them close to his like he was going to kiss me but all he said was “are you ready now? I have been waiting for you all my life” and I whispered “Darling, I got here as fast as I could”




Currently writing a series of complicated interactions.